関西大学大学院 外国語教育学研究科



1. IKEDA, Maiko (池田真生子)
Toward Better Instruction of EFL Reading Strategies: An Instructional Model Based on a Synthesis of Five Empirical Studies.

2. KOYAMA, Toshiko(小山敏子)
For the Effective Use of Hand-held Electronic Dictionaries in the Japanese EFL Context: Focusing on Retention, Reading Comprehension, and Learners' Impressions. 

3. YAMANE, Shigeru(山根 繁)

4. KAWAMURA, Yoshiharu(川村義治)
Studies on the Effect of Hand Gestures on the Recall of English Expressions.

5. MIZUMOTO, Atsushi(水本 篤)
Exploring the Art of Vocabulary Learning Strategies: A Closer Look at Japanese EFL University Students.

6. YABUKOSHI, Tomoko(薮越知子)
Exploring Language Learner Strategies Used by Japanese Lower Secondary School Students of EFL: A Synthesis of Quantitative and Qualitative Studies. 

7. SUGITA, Maya(杉田麻哉)
I don't like English: A Comprehensive Study of Motivating EFL Students in the Japanese Secondary School Context. 

8. SUMI, Seijiro(住政二郎)
Towards Integration and Normalisation of Technology in the Japanese EFL Context: An Ecological Perspective on Foreign Language Teaching.

9. SASAKI, Akihiko (佐々木顕彦)
Make them Focus on Form: Incorporating e-mail-mediated Language Learning Activities into Communication-based EFL Classrooms in a Japanese Junior High School Context.

10. UEKI, Michiko (植木美千子)
Study Abroad and Motivation to Learn a Second Language: Exploring the Possibility of the L2 Motivational Self System. (課程博士、甲-外12;執筆言語:英語)

11. HAYASHI, Hideo (林日出男)
動機づけの視点で見る日本人の英語学習―内発的・外発的動機づけを軸に― (論文博士、乙-外2;執筆日本語)

12. AGAWA, Toshie (阿川敏恵)
Investigating L2 Learning Motivation of Japanese University Students: Self-determination Theory and its Applications.(課程博士、甲-外20;執筆言語:英語)


13.YAMASHITA, Miho (山下美朋)

An Analysis of Rhetorical Features and Logical Anomalies in the EFL Argumentative Essays Written by Japanese University Students.(課程博士、甲-外22;執筆言語:英語)


14. LUCAS, Matthew(ルーカス・マット)
Mind the Gap: The Role of Cross-linguistic Influence and Awareness-raising Practices in Grammatical Accuracy Issues Among Japanese EFL Learners.(課程博士、甲-外23;執筆言語:英語)


15. FURUYA-Itoh, Aiko(古屋あい子)
The Role of Background Knowledge and Vocabulary Knowledge in Listening Comprehension at Three Levels of English Proficiency: Insights From Top-down and Bottom-up Processes.(課程博士、甲-外;執筆言語:英語)

16. GROGAN, Myles (グローガン・マイルズ)
Making the Grade: An Investigation into the Creation and Meaning of Grades in University EFL Classrooms in Japan.(課程博士、甲-外;執筆言語:英語)


1. INOUE, Kie (井上希映)
Analyzing English Teaching Materials for Children.
2. YABUKOSHI, Tomoko(薮越知子)
Profiling Patterns of Strategy Use by Analyzing Diaries of Japanese Learners of Korean: A Case Study.

3. HIROSE, Akira(廣瀬旭)
An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Reading-aloud on EFL Learners' Output.
4. IIJIMA, Kozue (飯島梢)
Factors Associated with EFL Oral Reading Anxiety.
5. IKUKAWA, Yuka(生川由香)
Why Some Japanese Students Have Trouble Learning English?: A Factor Analysis.
6. MORI, Kimiyo(守キミヨ)
7. MORIMOTO, Osamu(森元靖)
The Effects of Pre-activities on Shadowing: A Comparative Study.
8. SHAHANA, Kyoko(謝花京子)
On Tsumazuki of Japanese High School Learners: Some Causes behind the Troubles.
9. SUGITA, Maya(杉田麻哉)
Use of Encouragements in Japanese EFL Classes.
10. SUZUKA, Ikuko(鈴鹿郁子)

11. KONDO, Mutsumi (近藤睦美)
Reflection, Noticing, and Autonomy: An Empirical Study in a Japanese EFL Context.
12. YAMASHITA, Yoko (山下陽子)

13. TAKAGI, Tomoki (高木智記)
Effects of Shadowing and Repeating on EFL Learners' Prosody. 

14. KIMURA, Chisato(木村智里)
How do L1 and L2 Reading Processes Differ?: A Strategic Perspective.
15.OKADA, Wakana(岡田若菜)
16. SAKAI, Toyoko(阪井 豊子)
What is a Good Academic Presentation?: Two Empirical Studies.
17. SANADA, Emiko (真田恵美子)
18. TANIYAMA, Kei(谷山契)
19. UEDA, Tomoko (上田智子)
20. YASUDA, Kana (安田佳奈)
21. YOKOYAMA, Takayuki(横山貴之)

22. IKEDA, Tomomi(池田知美)
23. KATAMI, Natsu (潟見夏)
Form Awarenessの育成を目的とした中学生向け英語教材の作成(課題研究、執筆言語:日本語)
24. SUEZAWA, Natsuko (末澤奈津子)
What Can We Learn from Expert English Teachers?: A Comparative Study of Perspectives Between Experts and Novices in the Japanese EFL Context. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

25. SHIMODA, Yuko (下田論子)
英語科における国際理解を促す導入教材の開発:中学校検定教科書 New Crown をもとに(課題研究、執筆言語:日本語)

26. HOMMA, Yuko (本間祐子) 
Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Long-term Memory: Intentional Vocabulary Learning in the Japanese EFL Context.
27. ISHIDA, Yugo (石田侑吾)
Spoken Grammar of English Used by Japanese EFL Learners: A Corpus-
based Comparative Study.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語、修了生総代)
28. UEKI, Michiko (植木美千子) 
Use of Listening Strategies in an Academic Setting by Japanese University Students of EFL. 

29. ADACHI, Koji (足立鋼治)
30. DEI, Yoshio (出井義雄)
Pedagogical Intervention to Enhance EFL Students' Motivation: An Attempt Based on Self-Determination Theory.
31. SMITH, Jeff (スミス・ジェフ)
Instructor Feedback Effect on Two Aspects of Self-Concept in Japanese University Non-English Major Students.
32. TOSHIMA, Masataka(豊嶋正貴)
33.TSUCHIYA, Takako (土谷貴子) 

34. IRISAWA, Yumi (入沢由美)

35. KATAYAMA, Kaori (片山かおり)
Is Repeating Practice Really Inferior to Shadowing Practice?: An Empirical Attempt to Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Repeating. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語、修了生総代)

36. KINJO, Yuka(金城由香)
Effects of Phonics Teaching on English Pronunciation of Japanese Elementary School Children.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

37. MORI, Yoko(森陽子)
マクロな読みの力の育成を目指したピアサポート・リーディング教材の開発 -A Bridge over Troubled Reading- (課題研究、執筆言語:日本語)

38. YAMAOKA, Koichi(山岡浩一)
Exploring the Trade-off Relationship Between Fluency and Accuracy: Identifying the Key Factor that Determines this Relationship.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)


39. MATSUYAMA (SOU), Mika(松山・宋・美香)
I Don’t Want to Learn English Anymore: A Case Study of Demotivation in Two Japanese Junior High School Students.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

40. MATSUYAMA (SOU), Yuka(松山・宋・由香)
Investigating the Involvement Load Hypothesis on Junior High School Students Learning English in Japan.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語、修了生総代)

41. TAHARA, Rie(田原理恵)
Japanese High School Students’ Perception of the Sources Predicting the Enhancement of English Self-efficacy(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)


42. ARIYOSHI, Suguru(有吉 俊)


43. OKADA, Keiji(岡田啓嗣)

Fostering learner autonomy in Japanese high school EFL classrooms: An attempt based on Exploratory Practice.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

44.QIU, (Bella) Yixi(邱訳曦)

Motivational Strategies for Chinese EFL Classrooms: Perceptions and Practice of Junior High School English Teachers.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

45. SATO, Yuriko(佐藤祐里子)
子音認知・識別能力を高めるための教材作: 小学校英語初習者を対象として(課題研究、執筆言語:日本語)

46. DOKO, Takuya(道古卓也)
Towards the Internalization of L2 Input: A Comparative Study of Oral Reading and Oral Transcription Activities in a Japanese High school EFL Context.
47. TAKAHASHI, Masako(高橋昌子)
Relationships Between General English Self-efficacy, Self-efficacy for English Skills, and English Proficiency: A Study of High School Students in Japan.

48. HAGIHARA, Yuka (萩原ゆか)
Exploring the L2 Motivational Process within the Framework of Self-Determination Theory: A Case Study of a Cooperative Project Work at a Japanese Junior High School.修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

49. NAKAYAMA,Teppei(中山哲平)

Exploring the Washback Effects of Different English Vocabulary Quizzes on Learners’ Strategy Use: Focusing on Novice Learners in the Japanese EFL Context. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

50. NOBUTA,Kiyoshi(信田清志)


51. TANZAWA, Naomi (丹澤直巳)



52. HASHIMOTO, Emiko (橋本絵美子)
Does the CLIL Approach Help Enhance Japanese Primary School Pupils’ English Listening Comprehension without Hindering their Understanding of the Content? (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)
53. KAMADA, Rise(鎌田理星)
How does WTC in Undergraduates Change According to Interlocutors in a Japanese University EFL Context?: A Comparison of Upper and Lower Proficiency EFL Students.  (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)
54. KIMURA, Saori (木村早乙理)
An Experimental Study of L2 Fluency Development: An Effective Use of ICT.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)
55.TANAKA, Erika (田中絵里佳)
小学校教員のための教室英語学習教材:自己調整学習の枠組みを用いて (課題研究、執筆言語:日本語)


56. MIZUNO (KANATSUKI), Minako(水野―金築未奈子)
What Factors Contribute to Successful Team-Teaching with ALT? A Study of Elementary School Teachers in the Japanese EFL Context. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

57. MATSUYOSHI, Shoya (松吉翔也)
How Co-Regulation Affects Self-Regulated Vocabulary Learning in the Japanese High School EFL Context. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)
58. SAIKI, Haho (佐伯夏穂)
Instruction of Indirect Requests in Writing: Effects on Communication Anxiety and Self-Efficacy. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)


59. SHINHARA, Yukie(新原由希恵)

How CLIL helps EFL learners in Japanese public elementary school. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

60. TAGUCHI, Masashi(田口政志)

How Japanese EFL Learners Cope with Demotivation: A Complex Dynamic Systems Perspective. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

61. YAMAGUCHI, Miyako(山口京)

Changes of Elementary School Teachers’ Identities in a Long-Term In-Service Training Specialized in Foreign Language Education. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語、修了生総代)


62. CHENG, Tiantian (程天添)
A Case Study of Teacher’s and Student’s Beliefs on L2 Learning and Teaching through an Online English Course. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

63. SHOZUI, Eri(正瑞重里)
How Rater Bias Occurs in an EFL Speaking Test: The Impact of Variations in Speakers’ Pronunciation.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

64. UENO, Shotaro(上野将太郎)
Verifying the Causal Model of Self-regulated Vocabulary Learning in a Japanese High School EFL Setting:Focusing on VLS, Self-efficacy, and Self-regulatory Capacity.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語)


65. NAKA, Ikuko(中郁子)


66. NAKA, Ikuko(羽渕弘毅)
小学校外国語教育における 『学習評価ハンドブック』の開発と評価 (課題研究、執筆言語:日本語)

67. TAMAKI, Riku(玉城陸)
Directed Motivational Currents and Emotions: A Case Study of a Japanese Student in a Study Abroad Context. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

68.YUASA, Mariko(湯浅麻里子)
Strategic Use of Google Translate by Japanese University Students of English.(修士論文、執筆言語:英語、修了生総代)


69. HANAGASAKI, Junki(花ヶ﨑惇生)
Self-Regulated Language Learning Strategies of Advanced EFL Learners in the Japanese High School Context. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

70. HORIE, Mariko(堀江真理子)
中学生の英語スピーキング(やり取り)における正確さ向上のための指導手引き―その開発と検証 (課題研究、執筆言語:日本語、修了生総代)

71. OKAMOTO, Yui(岡本優衣)

72. YASUNAGA, Hiroe(安永浩江)



73. KIM, Miryong(金美玲)
The Path to Become a Self-Regulated Learner: A Case Study of EFL Students in the Context of a Japanese University’s Self-Access Learning Center. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

74. KOIKE, Ryosuke(小池亮輔)
Classroom Engagement in Learning English at a Japanese Public Junior High School Context: An SDT Perspective. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語)

75. SOUNDERS, Misato(サンダーズ美里)
Exploring Beliefs About Language Advisor’s Roles in a Japanese University Context: Perspectives From Language Advisors and Advisees. (修士論文、執筆言語:英語, 修了生総代)